Turnkey Projects
We take up projects on Turnkey basis on in undermentioned areas
1. Farm Management
- Large Scale commercial farm management
- Hi Tech Horticulture – Poly house / Protected Cultivation-Floriculture & vegetables
- Organic farming
- Plantations & Fruits Crops – Poplar, Eucalyptus etc
- Seed Production (field & vegetable crops)– foundation & Certified
- Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
- Market linkage services – linkages of farm produce to industry
2. Subsidiary Farm Projects - Dairy
- Poultry
- Piggery
- Goatry
- Apiary etc
3. Food Processing - Potato Waffers
- Mineral / Spring Water Plant
- Canned food
- Ready to Eat food (Retort
- Packing)
- Macroni manufacturing etc
4. Cold Chain - Banana Ripening Chambers
- Controlled and Modified
- Atmospheric Cold Storages
- Cold Storages