Agri Inputs
– Agrochemicals
Plant Nutrition Products – Liquid Fertilisers
Pusa Hydrogel – Low Cost irrigation solution
India is one of the important developing countries in Asia pacific. Indian economy is primarily depends on agriculture. Modern agriculture depends on the four main factors viz water, fertilizers, seeds and pesticides. Pesticides are the e integral part of modern agriculture. About 35-40% crop production is lost due to insects, weeds and diseases, while 35% crop produces are lost during storage.
Indian agrochemical industry size is estimated to be USD 3.8 billion in year 2012. Over the 12th plan period the segment is expected to gorw at 12-13% per annum to reach 7 billion USD. The Indian domestic demand is growing at the rate of 8-9% and export demand at 15-16%.
Cotton and Paddy are the major crops where pesticides consumption is 50% and 18% respectively. Fruits and vegetables accounts for the significant share of agrochemicals. Cotton covers only 5% of the cropped area but accounts for 50% of pesticides. Rice is grown over 24% of the cropped area consume 18% of the pesticides. The fruits vegetables account for 18% cropped area while cereals, millets and oilseeds cover 58% area. Sugarcane uses 2% of the pesticides and other crops grown over 6%of the cropped area account for 1% only.
Per capita consumption of pesticides in India is 0.6 kg/ha which is the lowest in the world. The per capita pesticide consumtion in China and USA is 13 Kg/Ha and 7 Kg/Ha respectively. The main reason for low per capita consumption of pesticides in India is low purchasinfg power of farmers ands small land holdings.India has the production capacity of 1,46,000 MT against the production of 82,000 MT in 2012 India consumes pesticides worth US 1.9 billion while exports worth US 1.9 billion.
In India, there are about 125 technical grade manufacturers (10 multinationals), 800 formulators, over 145,000 distributors. 60 technical grade pesticides are being manufactured indigenously. India has strong presence of multinational companies, capable of launching innovative products. The majpor multinational in India are Bayer, DuPont, Rohm & Hass, Syngenta, Dow, BASF, Monsanto and Cheminova. Top 10 companies control almost 80% of the market share.
Seed Industry
Indian Seed Industry Indian seed market is one of the largest seed market, dominated by open pollinated seeds Hybridization gaining pace There are around 200 private players & 14 Government organizations Public sector is mainly handling high volume-low value seeds of cereals, pulses & oilseeds. Total Seed Industry is worth about 8500 crore Cereal industry is worth 6000 crore approximately About 1/3 rd is contributed by cotton worth 2000crores Rice OP and hybrids contribute about 1000crores Millet hybrids contribute 500 Crore corn contributes around 800 crore Vegetable seed industry is worth 1500 crore. The Indian seed industry, over the years, has evolved by adopting and innovating upon scientific advancements in variety development and quality seed production. Indian market is 6th largest in the world. The industry has grown at a rapid pace of 18.8% over the period FY’2007-FY’2013 and reached around INR 9.5 billion in FY’2013 on account of rapid adoption of BT cotton hybrids, single cross corn hybrids and hybrid vegetables. On other hand global market is growing around n 5%. Rising awareness among the farmers related to the benefits of using certified/ quality seeds has led to an increase in the demand for seeds over the past few years. This has resulted in an increasing willingness among the farmers to pay higher price for quality seeds.The hybrid seed market has grown at a stupendous CAGR of 36.1% over the period FY’2007-FY’2013.The contribution of varietal seeds to the overall commercial seed market in Indian has witnessed a steep decline
Services Offered
1. Market Research & Studies
We specializes in carrying studies in Agri and Rural Sector,
a) Market Feasibility Studies
b) Techno feasibility Studies
c) Market Intelligence
d) Market Research
e) Market Entry Strategies
2. Strategic Tie ups
a) Strategic tie ups for companies planning to enter in Agri input sector in India
b) Marketing tie ups in Agi inputs for sales in India
c) Technology sourcing and licensing
d) Strategic tie ups for research and field trials of agri inputs (seeds, fertilizers, agrochemicals etc)
3. Sourcing & Supply Chain
a) Sourcing of new innovative agri input technolgies,
b) Organic plant protection and plant health products
c) Establishing supply chain for Organic agri inputs
4. Market Linkages
Establishment of Distribution network for Agri inputs – bulk and retail
Marketing of new Agro Technologies
Plant Nutrition Products – Liquid Fertilisers
Pusa Hydrogel – Low Cost irrigation solution
India is one of the important developing countries in Asia pacific. Indian economy is primarily depends on agriculture. Modern agriculture depends on the four main factors viz water, fertilizers, seeds and pesticides. Pesticides are the e integral part of modern agriculture. About 35-40% crop production is lost due to insects, weeds and diseases, while 35% crop produces are lost during storage.
Indian agrochemical industry size is estimated to be USD 3.8 billion in year 2012. Over the 12th plan period the segment is expected to gorw at 12-13% per annum to reach 7 billion USD. The Indian domestic demand is growing at the rate of 8-9% and export demand at 15-16%.
Cotton and Paddy are the major crops where pesticides consumption is 50% and 18% respectively. Fruits and vegetables accounts for the significant share of agrochemicals. Cotton covers only 5% of the cropped area but accounts for 50% of pesticides. Rice is grown over 24% of the cropped area consume 18% of the pesticides. The fruits vegetables account for 18% cropped area while cereals, millets and oilseeds cover 58% area. Sugarcane uses 2% of the pesticides and other crops grown over 6%of the cropped area account for 1% only.
Per capita consumption of pesticides in India is 0.6 kg/ha which is the lowest in the world. The per capita pesticide consumtion in China and USA is 13 Kg/Ha and 7 Kg/Ha respectively. The main reason for low per capita consumption of pesticides in India is low purchasinfg power of farmers ands small land holdings.India has the production capacity of 1,46,000 MT against the production of 82,000 MT in 2012 India consumes pesticides worth US 1.9 billion while exports worth US 1.9 billion.
In India, there are about 125 technical grade manufacturers (10 multinationals), 800 formulators, over 145,000 distributors. 60 technical grade pesticides are being manufactured indigenously. India has strong presence of multinational companies, capable of launching innovative products. The majpor multinational in India are Bayer, DuPont, Rohm & Hass, Syngenta, Dow, BASF, Monsanto and Cheminova. Top 10 companies control almost 80% of the market share.
Seed Industry
Indian Seed Industry Indian seed market is one of the largest seed market, dominated by open pollinated seeds Hybridization gaining pace There are around 200 private players & 14 Government organizations Public sector is mainly handling high volume-low value seeds of cereals, pulses & oilseeds. Total Seed Industry is worth about 8500 crore Cereal industry is worth 6000 crore approximately About 1/3 rd is contributed by cotton worth 2000crores Rice OP and hybrids contribute about 1000crores Millet hybrids contribute 500 Crore corn contributes around 800 crore Vegetable seed industry is worth 1500 crore. The Indian seed industry, over the years, has evolved by adopting and innovating upon scientific advancements in variety development and quality seed production. Indian market is 6th largest in the world. The industry has grown at a rapid pace of 18.8% over the period FY’2007-FY’2013 and reached around INR 9.5 billion in FY’2013 on account of rapid adoption of BT cotton hybrids, single cross corn hybrids and hybrid vegetables. On other hand global market is growing around n 5%. Rising awareness among the farmers related to the benefits of using certified/ quality seeds has led to an increase in the demand for seeds over the past few years. This has resulted in an increasing willingness among the farmers to pay higher price for quality seeds.The hybrid seed market has grown at a stupendous CAGR of 36.1% over the period FY’2007-FY’2013.The contribution of varietal seeds to the overall commercial seed market in Indian has witnessed a steep decline
Services Offered
1. Market Research & Studies
We specializes in carrying studies in Agri and Rural Sector,
a) Market Feasibility Studies
b) Techno feasibility Studies
c) Market Intelligence
d) Market Research
e) Market Entry Strategies
2. Strategic Tie ups
a) Strategic tie ups for companies planning to enter in Agri input sector in India
b) Marketing tie ups in Agi inputs for sales in India
c) Technology sourcing and licensing
d) Strategic tie ups for research and field trials of agri inputs (seeds, fertilizers, agrochemicals etc)
3. Sourcing & Supply Chain
a) Sourcing of new innovative agri input technolgies,
b) Organic plant protection and plant health products
c) Establishing supply chain for Organic agri inputs
4. Market Linkages
Establishment of Distribution network for Agri inputs – bulk and retail
Marketing of new Agro Technologies