Farm Management

Farm Management
Farm management Deals with the organisation & operation of a farm with the objective of maximizing profits from the farm business on a continuing basis. The farm management needs to adjust farm organisation from year to year keeping abreast of changes in methods, price variability & resources available. Farm management is the science which deals with the analysis of the farming resources, alternatives, choices & opportunities within the framework of resource restrictions, social & personal constraints of farming business. Farm management is a decision-making science. It helps to decide about the basic course of action of the farming business. The basic decisions of the farming business are:
a) What to produce or what combination of different enterprises to follow?
b) How much to produce and what is the most profitable level of production?
c) What should be the size of an individual enterprise, which, in turn, will determine the best overall size of the farm business?
d) What methods of production (production practices or what type of quality of inputs and their combination) should be used?
e) What and where to market?

The emphasis is on the decision-making function of evaluating & choosing between alternative strategies. A major concern is about adjustments which are more suitable & profitable & about exploring new situations & opportunities for maximization of income & satisfying other goals. It is the approach under which the opportunity costs of the various resources are evaluated & adjustments in resource-use & enterprise mix are made to secure higher levels of farm income.

Services Offered
1. Large Scale commercial farm management
2. Seed Production (field & vegetable crops)– foundation & Certified
3. Protected Cultivation (Floriculture & Olericulture units)
4. Organic Farming
5. Plantations & Fruits Crops – Poplar, Eucalyptus etc
6. Medicinal & Aromatic Plants
7. Market linkage services
8. Turnkey farm projects for dairy, fisheries, Goatry, poultry etc.
9. Integrated farm management services.
10. Integrated innovative Farm models
Farm Management
Farm Management
Farm Management
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