Our Products

Pusa Hydrogel

What is Pusa Hydrogel?

Pusa Hydrogel is  a super absorbent of water which swell and retain absorbed aqueous medium in their networked structure and is boidegradable in soil after one year of application. It is developed by IARI PUSA New Delhi ,its  Natural, Bio-degradable,non toxic and non Hazardous

How does it works?

  • Acts like a sponge and it absorbs  water and releases it slowly to the crops to get a sustained supply of moisture .
  • Water loss due to evaporation is significantly reduced.
  • It influences infiltration rates, density, soil structure, texture and compaction
  • Hydrogel enhance germination rates
  • Improves physical properties of the soil
  • Increases the water/moisture holding capacity of the soil
  • Reduces soil erosion
  • Reduces leaching of nutrients in the soil
  • Increases biological/microbial activity in the soil
  • Increases the oxygen/air availability in the root zone
  • Doesn’t have any effect on soil pH


Key Benefits


    1. Reduce moisture stress - both high and low.

    2. Improves physical structure  of the soil.

    3. Increases water / moisture holding capacity of the soil.

    4. Reduces erosion and leaching of nutrients in the soil.

    5. Increases oxygen/air availability in the root zone.

    6. Reduces water loss through  evaporation

    7. Complementary with ‘drip irrigation’.

    8. Increases the biological activity in the soil  


Where it can be used?

It can be used for all crops and all soil types;  Its benefits are most easily noticed in

–Nurseries, seedling beds

–Crops sensitive to moisture stress – excess and shortage
–Crops needing large quantities of water
–Container gardens - pots
When to apply?

Best results are noted when Kauveryis  applied at sowing time.  It helps in better germination and root establishment.


Recomended Doses

General Recommendation:  1 kg per acre

Special recommendation:

For sandy soil, use up to 2.5 kg per acre. Apply Pusa Hydrogel  depths of 6 to 8 niches of  soil

In clay soils apply Anmol in the top 4 inches of the soil.


Application method 

For field crops

Prepare the field for sowing.

Add 1 kg of  Pusa Hydrogel  to 10 kg of fine dry soil and Mix properly,

The 11 kg of mixture (PusaHydrogel+soil) should be applied along with the seeds / fertilizer.

For best results, Pusa hydrogel  should be close to seeds.

In nursery bed for transplants

Apply 2 gm per sq. meter of nursery bed mix Pusa Hydrogel uniformly in the top 2 inches of the nursery bed.

While transplanting

Thoroughly mix 2 gms of Pusa Hydrogel per litre of water to prepare a free flowing solution and allow to settle for half an hour. Dip the roots of the plant in the solution and than transplant  in the field.


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Low cost Micro Irrigation Solution

Innovative Low  cost Micro Irrigation Solutions

  • 85% farm holdings are small and marginal
  • Subsidies intends to benefit Large, Medium & Semi medium group of farmers
  • New technologies are unable to reach small and marginal farmers 
  • Innovative technology which benefits small and marginal farmers


Farmer Benefit  from Our  Products

  1. Technologyinvestment of approximately Rs 21 per square meter with life     period of three years
  2.  Eight and a half times return on technology investment in the first  year of   technology utilization


a) Water lifting Devices: 
  • Manually operated Pumps
  • Low Horse Power Electric and Diesel pumps     
b) Water Application Devices
  • Drip System
  • Sprinkler system

c) Water Storage Devices

  • Pond Linings
  • Water Tanks
  • Water Bags

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Liquid Manure


EDAGUM®SM is a natural bio stimulator of plant growth and development, worked out on the basis of ecologically clean raw material - a low-land peat. A special production technology of the  EDAGUM®SM allows to extract from peat and to preserve the whole complex of biologically active substances, cre­ated by nature: humic and fulvic acids, macro- and microelements in bioavailable organic species, as well as native microflora, under influence of which active processes of humification take place and which serves as a source of active natural associations of microorganisms for degraded soils. Thereby, EDAGUM®SM is not only humic, but also a natural microbiological product, possessing unique biological activity and a broad spectrum of action.

EDAGUM®SM ican be applied to  any soil types, including alkaline soils with low iron contents, on saline soils, on sandy soils with low humus content. The product can be  used at all stages of plant growth and development: from preplant seed and vegetating plants treatment up to soil treatment above afterharvesting residues. EDAGUM®SM is also used in “organic” agriculture for cultivating ecologically clean production.


The product is completely soluble in water what allows using it in different irrigation systems (drip watering, sprinkling and others), to process the agricultural cultures using aviations and any types of spraying devices. Ap­plication of the product fits well any system of agricultural techniques and does not require any additional expenses for its application since it can be used either by itself, or in the same tank mixture with pesticides, mineral or organic fertilizers.


Application rate

EDAGUM®SM is applied as working solution at a rate 400 ml + 300 l water per 1 hectare (on vegetating plants).


Key Benefits

  1. Increase the productivity of different crops from 10-30% (cereals, cotton), up to 40-50% and more (potatoes, cucurbits crop)
  2. Reduce the application rates of agrochemicals, including ammonium nitrate on 20-40%;
  3. Increase the efficiency of pesticides by 15-20%, removing “chemical stress” from their influence on plants;
  4. Increase plant resistance to fungus and bacterial diseases, as well as to unfavorable environmental condi­tions (drought, excessive overwetting, frosts);
  5. Improve  production quality by  increasing content of vitamins, sugars, proteins etc.,
  6. Accelerate the yield maturation by  10-12 days
  7. Increase soil fertility and water-holding capacity;
  8. It reduces the effect of  soil pesticide residues, heavy metals and other toxicants by bonding it to soil and thereby prevents their uptake by plants, transfer to ground waters and atmosphere.

Advantages of EDAGUM®SM over other humic products:

  • Unique composition: high content of humic and fulvic acids, macro- and microelements, amino acids, carbohy­drates, carboxylic acids, useful microorganisms
  • Higher biological activity, than in the other products, including the ones from coal, and consequently, much higher efficiency;
  • Prolonged action – from the moment of seeds germination up to ripening of the harvest, which is very important under unfavorable climatic condition (drought, frosts and etc);
  • Low expenses: application rate is just 400 ml (+ 300 l of water) per 1 hectare, product can be applied in the same tank mixture with the other fertilizers and plant protection products;
  • Ecologically safe product for human and environment.
  • High efficiency of fertilizer EDAGUM®SM is confirmed by long-term practice of its application in large agri­cultural enterprises, as well in test studies of Russian and foreign research institutions in 2006-2011. 

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